- Adiva
- Atala Rizzato
- Adly/Herchee
- Aeon
- Aiyumo
- Habana 125 Custom PM0101 Bj99-01
- AF1 125 Futura FM/FG year 90-92
- AF1 125 Sintesi EH year 1988
- Amico 25 Y.o.m. 1996-1997
- AF1 125 Sintesi Replica EU 1989
- Amico 50 LX GC My. 1995-1998
- Amico 50 GL HU010 My. 96-99
- Amico 50 Sport GC My. 1992-1993
- Amico 50 year 1990 - 1993
- Amico 50 GL HU year 94-95
- Area 51 50 LC KAT MYG00 Bj.00-02
- Area 51 50 LC KAT SBK MYG00
- Area 51 50 LC MY000 year 1998-99
- Atlantic 125 My. 03-11
- Atlantic 125 i.e. year 12-13
- Atlantic 200 My. 03-05
- Atlantic 250 Bj. 04-06
- Atlantic 250 i.e. My. 07-09
- Atlantic 300 i.e. My. 10-13
- Atlantic 500 Bj. 02-05
- Atlantic 500 Sprint Bj. 06-10
- Atlantic 500 Sprint VL000 Bj. 05
- Caponord 1200 ABS year 13-15
- Caponord 1200 Rally ABS My. 2015
- Caponord 1200 Trav.PackABS 14-15
- Classic 125 MF000 year 1995-2000
- Compay 125 Custom Bj. 2009-2013
- Compay 50 Custom Bj. 2009-2013
- Dorsoduro 1200 ABS My. 2015
- Dorsoduro 1200 ATC ABS My. 11-15
- Dorsoduro 1200 Bj. 11-13
- Dorsoduro 750 Factory ABS 10-13
- Dorsoduro 750 SMV ABS My. 09-15
- Dorsoduro 750 SMV Bj. 08-13
- Dorsoduro 750 SMV Factory 10-13
- ETV 1000 Capo North ABS PS004
- ETV 1000 Capo North PS000 2001-05
- ETV 1000 Capo North Raid PSB00
- ETX 125 PH year 1998-2000
- Europe 125 FV year 1990-1991
- Grande 250 VBD00 My. 2011-2013
- Gulliver 50 AC LH000 year 95-99
- Gulliver 50 LC LH040 My. 96-99
- Habana 125 Custom PM0101 year 99-01
- Habana 125 PM000 year 1999-2001
- Habana 50 Custom PKD10 year 1999
- Habana 50 Custom PKE10 year 00-01
- Habana 50 KAT PKD00 year 00-01
- Habana 50 PK000 year 1999
- Habana/Mojito 50 Custom PKE10
- Habana/Mojito 50 KAT PKD00
- Leonardo 125 MB060 year 2001-2002
- Leonardo 125 ST TB000/TB002
- Leonardo 125 type MB000 year 96-98
- Leonardo 125 type MB030 year 99-00
- Leonardo 150 MBA00 year 1997-1998
- Leonardo 150 MBA20 year 1999
- Leonardo 250 PD000 year 1999-2001
- Leonardo 300 SVA00 My. 2004-2006
- Mana 850 ABS My. 08-13
- Mana 850 Bj. 08-12
- Mana 850 GT ABS My. 09-15
- Mojito 125 Custom PM011 year 2002
- Mojito 125 Custom RY0101 Bj03-07
- Mojito 125 Custom SZA00 Bj.08-12
- Mojito 125 PM000 Bj. 2002
- Mojito 125 RY000 year 2003-2004
- Mojito 50 Custom TFA00 My. 04-13
- Moto 650 MH00 year 1995-2000
- MX 125 TZ000 My. 03-07
- MX 50 Type STC00 Year 2003-2004
- MXV 450 Bj. 2015
- MXV 450 VTC0C year 2009-2014
- Pegaso 600 Type FP Year 1990-1992
- Pegaso 650 Factory Bj. 07-10
- Pegaso 650 GA year 1992-1995
- Pegaso 650 Garda ML00 Bj. 98-00
- Pegaso 650 i.e. Bj. 02-04
- Pegaso 650 i.e. Garda My. 01-03
- Pegaso 650 i.e. RW000/RWA00
- Pegaso 650 ML00 My. 1997-2000
- Pegaso 650 MX year 1996
- Pegaso 650 Strada My. 2005-2010
- Pegaso 650 Trail My. 06-10
- Pegaso 650 Tundra My. 07-08
- Rally 50 AC KAT MDH00 year 00-04
- Rally 50 AC MD000 My. 1995-1999
- Rally 50 LC DD MDA00 My. 96 - 99
- Rally 50 LC DT MDA10 My. 96-99
- Red Rose 125 FQ My. 1993-1995
- Red Rose 50 Classic 4 speed GI
- Red Rose 50 Classic 5 speed LP
- Red Rose 50 Classic 5-speed LP010
- RS 125 Extrema GS Bj. 92-94
- RS 125 Extrema MP000 year 1995
- RS 125 Extrema MPA00 Bj.96-98
- RS 125 Extrema/Replica Bj. 97-13
- RS 125 Tuono Bj. 03-04
- RS 250 Y.o.m. 99-02
- RS 250 LD000/LD002 year 1995-1997
- RS 250 LDA00 Year of manufacture 1998
- RS 50 Extrema Bj. 99-03
- RS 50 Extrema MM000 Bj. 95-96
- RS 50 Extrema MM020 Bj. 97-98
- RS 50 Extrema Replica HP Bj 1993
- RS 50 Extrema Replica LM Bj.1994
- RS 50 Replica Bj. 06-10
- RS 50 Replica SE001 Bj.04-05
- RS4 125 4T year 11-15
- RS4 125 4T Replica SBK Bj. 14-15
- RS4 50 year 2011-2015
- RS4 50 Replica SBK My. 2014-2015
- RST 1000 Mille Futura type PW003
- RSV 1000 Mille My. 1998-2003
- RSV 1000 Mille MEA00 Bj.99-00
- RSV 1000 R year 2000-2010
- RSV 1000 R Factory Bj. 04-10
- RSV 1000 R Tuono Bj. 02-11
- RSV4 1000 Factory ABS Bj. 13-14
- RSV4 1000 Factory APRC My. 11-13
- RSV4 1000 Factory My. 09-12
- RSV4 1000 R APRC ABS My. 13-14
- RSV4 1000 R APRC My. 11-13
- RSV4 1000 R Bj. 10-13
- RSV4 1000 RF ABS My. 2015
- RSV4 1000 RR ABS Bj. 2015
- RSV4 1000 SE Factory APRC Bj. 11
- RX 125 type GF year 1990-1993
- RX 125 Type RVA00 My. 08-13
- RX 50 3 speed Bj. 89-91
- RX 50 5 speed Bj. 92-94
- RX 50 6 speed Bj. 95-04
- RX 50 6 speed Racing Bj. 03-06
- RX 50 My. 2010-2014
- RX 50 PV000 My. 06-09
- RXV 450 My. 2006-2015
- RXV 550 My. 06-13
- Scarabeo 100 2T Minarelli 00-01
- Scarabeo 100 2T Yamaha Bj. 00-01
- Scarabeo 100 4T Bj. 01-04
- Scarabeo 125 Bj. 99-04
- Scarabeo 125 Touring Bj. 00-04
- Scarabeo 250 i.e. My. 06-10
- Scarabeo 400 i.e. My. 06-09
- Scarabeo 50 DD Ditech Bj. 01-05
- Scarabeo 50 DT Bj. 99-02
- Scarabeo 50 DT LE year 1994-1997
- Scarabeo 50 DT PF000 year 1998
- Scarabeo 50 TT HS My. 1994-1997
- Scarabeo 500 Bj. 02-05
- Shiver 750 GT ABS RAD00 Bj 09-13
- Shiver 750 GT My. 09-13
- Shiver 750 SL ABS year 2008-2015
- Shiver 750 SL Bj. 08-14
- SL 1000 Falco PA000 year 1999-04
- Sonic 50 AC Bj. 98-02
- Sonic 50 GP LC PB010 My. 98-99
- Sonic 50 GP LC TLA00 Bj. 11-13
- Sportcity 125 Cube VBE00 Bj09-12
- Sportcity 125 One SG000 Bj.09-13
- Sportcity 125 VB000 My. 2004-06
- Sportcity 125 VB002 year 2007-08
- Sportcity 200 VBA00 year 2006
- Sportcity 200 VBA01 year 07-08
- Sportcity 250 i.e. VBB00 Bj07-08
- Sportcity 300 i.e. Cube VBL00
- Sportcity50 2T One SBA00 Bj10-13
- Sportcity50 4T One SB000 2009-13
- SR 125 My. 99-02
- SR 125 i.e. Max My. 2011-2015
- SR 125 Motard Bj. 2012-2015
- SR 125 Racing Bj. 00-02
- SR 50 AC Horizontal Bj. 94-96
- SR 50 AC Motard Bj. 2012-2015
- SR 50 AC ReplZylVert. LB/GP '94
- SR 50 AC Urban LB/GP My. 92-93
- SR 50 AC Vertical Bj. 92-93
- SR 50 AC WWW Horizontal Bj.97-02
- SR 50 LC Ditech Rep SBK Bj.01-02
- SR 50 LC Ditech Racing Bj. 01-04
- SR 50 LC Ditech Replica Bj.04-05
- SR 50 LC Ditech Sport Bj. 01-04
- SR 50 LC Ditech Street Bj. 03-05
- SR 50 LC Funmaster Bj. 04-05
- SR 50 LC Horizontal Bj. 94-96
- SR 50 LC Horizontal MZ Bj. 1998
- SR 50 LC Netscaper MZ Bj. 97-98
- SR 50 LC Racing Horizontal Bj.99
- SR 50 LC RACING YR. 2000
- SR 50 LC Racing MZ Bj. 1997-1998
- SR 50 LC Replic Horizontal 94-97
- SR 50 LC Sport Bj. 00-02
- SR 50 LC Stealth Horizontal Bj99
- SR 50 LC Stealth MZ Bj. 97-98
- SR 50 LC Suzuki engine Bj. 00-02
- SR 50 LC STREET YR. 2004-2015
- SR 50 LC Type MZ Bj 1997
- SR 50 R LC Ditech Fac Rep SBK 14
- SR 50 R LC YR. 2006-2015
- SR 50 R LC Replica SBK Bj. 2014
- SR 50 R LC Type VFD00 Year 2005
- SRV 850 i.e. ABS My. 2012-2015
- SRV 850 i.e. M55103 My. 12-14
- SX 125 Bj. 08-14
- SXV 450 My. 06-13
- SX 50 SM year 2006-2014
- SXV 550 My. 2006-2015
- Tuareg 125 Rally Bj. 85-90
- Tuareg 125 Rally GG My. 1991-92
- Tuareg 125 Wind Bj. 1988-1990
- Tuareg 600 Wind EP 1987-1991
- Tuono 1000 R Fact RR100 Bj 07-11
- Tuono 1000 R Factory Bj. 04-05
- Tuono 1000 V4 R APRC ABS Bj. 14
- Tuono 1000 V4 R APRC My. 11-13
- Tuono 1000 V4 R Bj. 11-13
- Tuono 1100 V4 Factory ABS Bj. 15
- Tuono 1100 V4 RR ABS My. 2015
- SR 300 i.e. Max My. 2011-2015
- Arctic Cat
- Azel
- Bajaj
- Baotian
- Barossa/SMC
- Beeline
- Benelli
- Benzhou
- Beta
- Bimota
- Bombardier
- Buell
- Buffalo/Source
- Cagiva
- Cectek
- CH Racing
- China Scooter
- Daelim
- Derbi
- Dinli
- Ducati
- Ecobike
- EFW-Suhl
- E-max
- Emco
- Ering
- E-fuel
- E-tone
- Etropolis
- Explorer
- Fantic
- Flex Tech
- GasGas
- Generic
- Giantco
- Gilera
- Goes
- Govecs
- Harley Davidson
- Heinkel
- Hercules
- HM-Moto
- Honda
- Huatian/Lintex
- Husaberg
- Husqvarna
- Hyosung
- Innoscooter
- Italjet
- Jiajue
- Jinlun
- Jmstar
- Jonway
- Kawasaki
- Keeway
- Kreidler
- KSR-Moto
- Kymco
- Laverda
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- Linhai
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- Longjia
- Malaguti
- Masai
- Moto Guzzi
- Moto Morini
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- Motowell
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- Quickfoot/Open Concepts
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- Skyteam
- Suzuki
- Tauris
- TM Racing
- Tomos
- Triton
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- Vespa
- Victory
- Yamaha
- Zongshen
- Zündapp
Cylinder kit 50ccm for Minarelli engine AM3, AM4, AM5, AM6 LC watercooled
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs
IN STOCK - Delivery time 1-3 working days
Last article - Buy now
- Item no: 150386
- EAN: 4260250310069
- Manufacturer: Citomerx
- Manufacturer no.: 150386
Citomerx Cylinder Kit 50cc
The cylinder, together with the piston, forms the heart of any vehicle. No cylinder, no engine!
This high quality cylinder kit from Citomerx contains all spare parts to replace or renew the cylinder. The cast iron cylinder is suitable for water-cooled Minarelli AM6 engines and has no power increase. All components of the kit correspond to the original dimensions and can therefore be mounted without any problems.
Together with the piston and the cylinder head, the cylinder forms the working and combustion chamber of an engine. It is here that the petrol-air mixture is made to explode and the crankshaft is set into a rotary motion, which sets the vehicle in motion. To avoid overheating, AM6 engines have a water cooling system that surrounds the cylinder and thus cools it down.
- Displacement: 50 cc
- Cooling: water-cooled LC
- Material: grey cast iron
- Piston diameter: 40.3 mm
- Stroke: 39 mm
- Piston pin diameter: 12 mm
- Piston rings: 2 pieces
- Inner diameter outlet: 28 mm
✔ 1x cylinder, 1x piston set, 1x gasket set, 1x assembly instructions.
Product type: | Cylinder set |
Piston pin diameter: | 12 mm |
Displacement: | 50 cc |
Can the original cylinder head be used?: | Yes |
Tuning & Styling Part: | No |
Piston ring profile: | Halbtrapez-Ring |
Vintage part: | No |
Surface finish: | Matt |
Cylinder special feature: | mit Auslass-Reduzierhülse auf 22mm |
GTIN: | 4260250310069 |
Diffuser internal dimension: | 28 mm |
Cylinder dimensions (LxWxH): | 140 x 110 x 85 mm |
Scope of delivery: | Gasket set, Kolben Set, Cylinder |
Cylinder stud distance: | 52 x 52 mm |
Number of overflows: | 3 |
Cylinder stud bore: | 8 mm |
Manifold connection type: | Steck |
Color: | Grey |
Number of piston rings: | 2 |
Features: | Corrosion resistant, Durable |
Engine type: | 2-stroke |
Scope of delivery: | 1x cylinder set |
Manufacturer number: | 150386 |
Country and region of manufacture: | China |
Type of motorcycle: | Scooter |
Offer package: | Yes |
Units quantity: | 1 |
Description of the package content: | Cylinder set |
Manufacturer warranty: | 2 years |
Material: | Several materials |
Type: | Standard |
Suitable for: | Minarelli LC AM3 AM4 AM5 AM6 |
ZS 2Radteile GmbH
Unterbibracherstr. 3
95519 Vorbach DEU
Web page https://www.citomerx.de
Email: info@zweiradteile.net

"Fast goods", is the translation of Citomerx and this is also the motto of the company from Bavaria, which offers numerous spare parts for two- and four-stroke scooters. Speed is the declared goal for both the vehicles and the delivery of the goods, as well as a reasonable price-performance ratio for the standard, racing or high-end products. The range includes almost everything that the scooter rider needs: from exhaust systems and batteries to cylinder kits. An additional plus point is the know-how of the Citomerx crew, acquired over years of experience.