- Adiva
- Atala Rizzato
- Adly/Herchee
- Aeon
- Aiyumo
- Habana 125 Custom PM0101 Bj99-01
- AF1 125 Futura FM/FG year 90-92
- AF1 125 Sintesi EH year 1988
- Amico 25 Y.o.m. 1996-1997
- AF1 125 Sintesi Replica EU 1989
- Amico 50 LX GC My. 1995-1998
- Amico 50 GL HU010 My. 96-99
- Amico 50 Sport GC My. 1992-1993
- Amico 50 year 1990 - 1993
- Amico 50 GL HU year 94-95
- Area 51 50 LC KAT MYG00 Bj.00-02
- Area 51 50 LC KAT SBK MYG00
- Area 51 50 LC MY000 year 1998-99
- Atlantic 125 My. 03-11
- Atlantic 125 i.e. year 12-13
- Atlantic 200 My. 03-05
- Atlantic 250 Bj. 04-06
- Atlantic 250 i.e. My. 07-09
- Atlantic 300 i.e. My. 10-13
- Atlantic 500 Bj. 02-05
- Atlantic 500 Sprint Bj. 06-10
- Atlantic 500 Sprint VL000 Bj. 05
- Caponord 1200 ABS year 13-15
- Caponord 1200 Rally ABS My. 2015
- Caponord 1200 Trav.PackABS 14-15
- Classic 125 MF000 year 1995-2000
- Compay 125 Custom Bj. 2009-2013
- Compay 50 Custom Bj. 2009-2013
- Dorsoduro 1200 ABS My. 2015
- Dorsoduro 1200 ATC ABS My. 11-15
- Dorsoduro 1200 Bj. 11-13
- Dorsoduro 750 Factory ABS 10-13
- Dorsoduro 750 SMV ABS My. 09-15
- Dorsoduro 750 SMV Bj. 08-13
- Dorsoduro 750 SMV Factory 10-13
- ETV 1000 Capo North ABS PS004
- ETV 1000 Capo North PS000 2001-05
- ETV 1000 Capo North Raid PSB00
- ETX 125 PH year 1998-2000
- Europe 125 FV year 1990-1991
- Grande 250 VBD00 My. 2011-2013
- Gulliver 50 AC LH000 year 95-99
- Gulliver 50 LC LH040 My. 96-99
- Habana 125 Custom PM0101 year 99-01
- Habana 125 PM000 year 1999-2001
- Habana 50 Custom PKD10 year 1999
- Habana 50 Custom PKE10 year 00-01
- Habana 50 KAT PKD00 year 00-01
- Habana 50 PK000 year 1999
- Habana/Mojito 50 Custom PKE10
- Habana/Mojito 50 KAT PKD00
- Leonardo 125 MB060 year 2001-2002
- Leonardo 125 ST TB000/TB002
- Leonardo 125 type MB000 year 96-98
- Leonardo 125 type MB030 year 99-00
- Leonardo 150 MBA00 year 1997-1998
- Leonardo 150 MBA20 year 1999
- Leonardo 250 PD000 year 1999-2001
- Leonardo 300 SVA00 My. 2004-2006
- Mana 850 ABS My. 08-13
- Mana 850 Bj. 08-12
- Mana 850 GT ABS My. 09-15
- Mojito 125 Custom PM011 year 2002
- Mojito 125 Custom RY0101 Bj03-07
- Mojito 125 Custom SZA00 Bj.08-12
- Mojito 125 PM000 Bj. 2002
- Mojito 125 RY000 year 2003-2004
- Mojito 50 Custom TFA00 My. 04-13
- Moto 650 MH00 year 1995-2000
- MX 125 TZ000 My. 03-07
- MX 50 Type STC00 Year 2003-2004
- MXV 450 Bj. 2015
- MXV 450 VTC0C year 2009-2014
- Pegaso 600 Type FP Year 1990-1992
- Pegaso 650 Factory Bj. 07-10
- Pegaso 650 GA year 1992-1995
- Pegaso 650 Garda ML00 Bj. 98-00
- Pegaso 650 i.e. Bj. 02-04
- Pegaso 650 i.e. Garda My. 01-03
- Pegaso 650 i.e. RW000/RWA00
- Pegaso 650 ML00 My. 1997-2000
- Pegaso 650 MX year 1996
- Pegaso 650 Strada My. 2005-2010
- Pegaso 650 Trail My. 06-10
- Pegaso 650 Tundra My. 07-08
- Rally 50 AC KAT MDH00 year 00-04
- Rally 50 AC MD000 My. 1995-1999
- Rally 50 LC DD MDA00 My. 96 - 99
- Rally 50 LC DT MDA10 My. 96-99
- Red Rose 125 FQ My. 1993-1995
- Red Rose 50 Classic 4 speed GI
- Red Rose 50 Classic 5 speed LP
- Red Rose 50 Classic 5-speed LP010
- RS 125 Extrema GS Bj. 92-94
- RS 125 Extrema MP000 year 1995
- RS 125 Extrema MPA00 Bj.96-98
- RS 125 Extrema/Replica Bj. 97-13
- RS 125 Tuono Bj. 03-04
- RS 250 Y.o.m. 99-02
- RS 250 LD000/LD002 year 1995-1997
- RS 250 LDA00 Year of manufacture 1998
- RS 50 Extrema Bj. 99-03
- RS 50 Extrema MM000 Bj. 95-96
- RS 50 Extrema MM020 Bj. 97-98
- RS 50 Extrema Replica HP Bj 1993
- RS 50 Extrema Replica LM Bj.1994
- RS 50 Replica Bj. 06-10
- RS 50 Replica SE001 Bj.04-05
- RS4 125 4T year 11-15
- RS4 125 4T Replica SBK Bj. 14-15
- RS4 50 year 2011-2015
- RS4 50 Replica SBK My. 2014-2015
- RST 1000 Mille Futura type PW003
- RSV 1000 Mille My. 1998-2003
- RSV 1000 Mille MEA00 Bj.99-00
- RSV 1000 R year 2000-2010
- RSV 1000 R Factory Bj. 04-10
- RSV 1000 R Tuono Bj. 02-11
- RSV4 1000 Factory ABS Bj. 13-14
- RSV4 1000 Factory APRC My. 11-13
- RSV4 1000 Factory My. 09-12
- RSV4 1000 R APRC ABS My. 13-14
- RSV4 1000 R APRC My. 11-13
- RSV4 1000 R Bj. 10-13
- RSV4 1000 RF ABS My. 2015
- RSV4 1000 RR ABS Bj. 2015
- RSV4 1000 SE Factory APRC Bj. 11
- RX 125 type GF year 1990-1993
- RX 125 Type RVA00 My. 08-13
- RX 50 3 speed Bj. 89-91
- RX 50 5 speed Bj. 92-94
- RX 50 6 speed Bj. 95-04
- RX 50 6 speed Racing Bj. 03-06
- RX 50 My. 2010-2014
- RX 50 PV000 My. 06-09
- RXV 450 My. 2006-2015
- RXV 550 My. 06-13
- Scarabeo 100 2T Minarelli 00-01
- Scarabeo 100 2T Yamaha Bj. 00-01
- Scarabeo 100 4T Bj. 01-04
- Scarabeo 125 Bj. 99-04
- Scarabeo 125 Touring Bj. 00-04
- Scarabeo 250 i.e. My. 06-10
- Scarabeo 400 i.e. My. 06-09
- Scarabeo 50 DD Ditech Bj. 01-05
- Scarabeo 50 DT Bj. 99-02
- Scarabeo 50 DT LE year 1994-1997
- Scarabeo 50 DT PF000 year 1998
- Scarabeo 50 TT HS My. 1994-1997
- Scarabeo 500 Bj. 02-05
- Shiver 750 GT ABS RAD00 Bj 09-13
- Shiver 750 GT My. 09-13
- Shiver 750 SL ABS year 2008-2015
- Shiver 750 SL Bj. 08-14
- SL 1000 Falco PA000 year 1999-04
- Sonic 50 AC Bj. 98-02
- Sonic 50 GP LC PB010 My. 98-99
- Sonic 50 GP LC TLA00 Bj. 11-13
- Sportcity 125 Cube VBE00 Bj09-12
- Sportcity 125 One SG000 Bj.09-13
- Sportcity 125 VB000 My. 2004-06
- Sportcity 125 VB002 year 2007-08
- Sportcity 200 VBA00 year 2006
- Sportcity 200 VBA01 year 07-08
- Sportcity 250 i.e. VBB00 Bj07-08
- Sportcity 300 i.e. Cube VBL00
- Sportcity50 2T One SBA00 Bj10-13
- Sportcity50 4T One SB000 2009-13
- SR 125 My. 99-02
- SR 125 i.e. Max My. 2011-2015
- SR 125 Motard Bj. 2012-2015
- SR 125 Racing Bj. 00-02
- SR 50 AC Horizontal Bj. 94-96
- SR 50 AC Motard Bj. 2012-2015
- SR 50 AC ReplZylVert. LB/GP '94
- SR 50 AC Urban LB/GP My. 92-93
- SR 50 AC Vertical Bj. 92-93
- SR 50 AC WWW Horizontal Bj.97-02
- SR 50 LC Ditech Rep SBK Bj.01-02
- SR 50 LC Ditech Racing Bj. 01-04
- SR 50 LC Ditech Replica Bj.04-05
- SR 50 LC Ditech Sport Bj. 01-04
- SR 50 LC Ditech Street Bj. 03-05
- SR 50 LC Funmaster Bj. 04-05
- SR 50 LC Horizontal Bj. 94-96
- SR 50 LC Horizontal MZ Bj. 1998
- SR 50 LC Netscaper MZ Bj. 97-98
- SR 50 LC Racing Horizontal Bj.99
- SR 50 LC RACING YR. 2000
- SR 50 LC Racing MZ Bj. 1997-1998
- SR 50 LC Replic Horizontal 94-97
- SR 50 LC Sport Bj. 00-02
- SR 50 LC Stealth Horizontal Bj99
- SR 50 LC Stealth MZ Bj. 97-98
- SR 50 LC Suzuki engine Bj. 00-02
- SR 50 LC STREET YR. 2004-2015
- SR 50 LC Type MZ Bj 1997
- SR 50 R LC Ditech Fac Rep SBK 14
- SR 50 R LC YR. 2006-2015
- SR 50 R LC Replica SBK Bj. 2014
- SR 50 R LC Type VFD00 Year 2005
- SRV 850 i.e. ABS My. 2012-2015
- SRV 850 i.e. M55103 My. 12-14
- SX 125 Bj. 08-14
- SXV 450 My. 06-13
- SX 50 SM year 2006-2014
- SXV 550 My. 2006-2015
- Tuareg 125 Rally Bj. 85-90
- Tuareg 125 Rally GG My. 1991-92
- Tuareg 125 Wind Bj. 1988-1990
- Tuareg 600 Wind EP 1987-1991
- Tuono 1000 R Fact RR100 Bj 07-11
- Tuono 1000 R Factory Bj. 04-05
- Tuono 1000 V4 R APRC ABS Bj. 14
- Tuono 1000 V4 R APRC My. 11-13
- Tuono 1000 V4 R Bj. 11-13
- Tuono 1100 V4 Factory ABS Bj. 15
- Tuono 1100 V4 RR ABS My. 2015
- SR 300 i.e. Max My. 2011-2015
- Arctic Cat
- Azel
- Bajaj
- Baotian
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- Benzhou
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- Generic
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50cc Cylinder Kit Morini LC Water-Cooled for Aprilia Di-Tech, Suzuki Katana – Citomerx 128997
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs
IN STOCK - Delivery time 1-3 working days
- Item no: 128997
- EAN: 4260250311035
- Manufacturer: Citomerx
- Manufacturer no.: 128997
Powerful and durable 50cc cylinder kit for water-cooled Morini LC engines – perfect fit for Aprilia Di-Tech and Suzuki Katana. This Citomerx kit (part number 128997) ensures a reliable engine performance and a smooth ride.
With a cylinder bore of 41 mm and a piston pin diameter of 12 mm, this kit is designed to meet the specifications of your engine. Whether you're replacing a worn-out cylinder or restoring your vehicle’s performance, this kit delivers long-lasting reliability.
Thanks to precise manufacturing and solid construction, this kit offers excellent durability and optimal cooling. A great choice for those who seek a reliable and perfectly fitting replacement solution.
Customers often searched for this item with the following search terms:
50cc Morini LC cylinder kit, Aprilia Di-Tech cylinder, Suzuki Katana 50cc cylinder, Morini engine cylinder, water-cooled Aprilia cylinder, 50cc piston Suzuki Katana, Citomerx Morini LC kit, Morini water-cooled replacement cylinder, Aprilia Di-Tech spare parts, Suzuki Katana tuning cylinder
Scope of Delivery:
- 50cc Cylinder
- Piston incl. piston rings
- 12mm piston pin
- Circlips
- Gasket set
Product type: | Cylinder set |
Piston pin diameter: | 12 mm |
Displacement: | 50 cc |
Can the original cylinder head be used?: | Yes |
Tuning & Styling Part: | No |
Piston ring profile: | Halbtrapez-Ring |
Vintage part: | No |
Surface finish: | Matt |
Cylinder special feature: | Wasseranschluss: 18 mm |
GTIN: | 4260250311035 |
Diffuser internal dimension: | 22,5 mm |
Cylinder dimensions (LxWxH): | 125 x 110 x 90 mm |
Outlet Stud distance: | 46 mm |
Scope of delivery: | Gasket set, Kolben Set, Cylinder |
Outlet stud bolt thread: | M6 |
Cylinder stud distance: | 52 x 52 mm |
Number of overflows: | 5 |
Cylinder stud bore: | 7 mm |
Manifold connection type: | Flange |
Color: | Grey |
Number of piston rings: | 2 |
Features: | Corrosion resistant, Durable |
Engine type: | 2-stroke |
Scope of delivery: | 1x cylinder set |
Manufacturer number: | 128997 |
Country and region of manufacture: | China |
Type of motorcycle: | Scooter |
Offer package: | Yes |
Units quantity: | 1 |
Description of the package content: | Zylinderset |
Manufacturer warranty: | 2 years |
Material: | Several materials |
Type: | Standard |
Suitable for: | Morini LC |
ZS 2Radteile GmbH
Unterbibracherstr. 3
95519 Vorbach DEU
Web page https://www.citomerx.de
Email: info@zweiradteile.net

"Fast goods", is the translation of Citomerx and this is also the motto of the company from Bavaria, which offers numerous spare parts for two- and four-stroke scooters. Speed is the declared goal for both the vehicles and the delivery of the goods, as well as a reasonable price-performance ratio for the standard, racing or high-end products. The range includes almost everything that the scooter rider needs: from exhaust systems and batteries to cylinder kits. An additional plus point is the know-how of the Citomerx crew, acquired over years of experience.
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