- Adiva
- Atala Rizzato
- Adly/Herchee
- Aeon
- Aiyumo
- Aprilia
- Arctic Cat
- Azel
- Bajaj
- Baotian
- Barossa/SMC
- Beeline
- Benelli
- Benzhou
- Beta
- Bimota
- Bombardier
- Buell
- Buffalo/Source
- Cagiva
- Cectek
- CH Racing
- China Scooter
- Daelim
- Derbi
- Dinli
- Ducati
- Ecobike
- EFW-Suhl
- E-max
- Emco
- Ering
- E-fuel
- E-tone
- Etropolis
- Explorer
- Fantic
- Flex Tech
- 250 Pro GG-E2512 year 2012
- EC 125 My. 2001& 2005-2010
- EC 125 GG-E1211 year 2011
- EC 125 Racing GG-E1210-R year 10
- EC 125 Racing GG-E1211-R 2011-12
- EC 125 Racing GG-E1213-R Bj.13
- EC 125 Racing GG-E1214-R year 14
- EC 125 Racing GG-E1215-R year 15
- EC 125 Sixdays GG-E1210-SIX 2010
- EC 125 Sixdays GG-E1211-SIX 2011
- EC 125 VTREC1200-C year 2002
- EC 125 VTREC1200-D year 2003
- EC 125 VTREC1200-E year 2004
- EC 200 Y.o.1999-00 & 2005-10 & 14
- EC 200 E Racing Bj. 2015
- EC 200 GG-E2011 Year 2011
- EC 200 Racing Bj. 2014
- EC 200 Racing GG-E2015-R Bj 2015
- EC 200 Sixdays GG-E2010-SIX 2010
- EC 200 VTREC2000-C Year 2002
- EC 200 VTREC2000-D Year 2003
- EC 200 VTREC2000-E Year 2004
- EC 200 VTREC2001 Year 2001
- EC 250 4T year 2010-2011
- EC 250 My. 1999-2000 & 2005-2010
- EC 250 E GG-E2511-E year 2011
- EC 250 E GG-E2512-E year 2012-13
- EC 250 E GG-E2514 year 2014
- EC 250 E Racing Bj. 2014
- EC 250 E Racing GG-E2515-R Bj 15
- EC 250 F 4T Cami year 2014
- EC 250 F 4T GG-E2512-Y year 2012
- EC 250 F 4T Racing Bj. 2015
- EC 250 F 4T Racing GG-E2513-Y
- EC 250 F 4T Racing GG-E2514-YR
- EC 250 GG-E2511 year 2011
- EC 250 GG-E2512 year 2012
- EC 250 GG-E2513 year 2013
- EC 250 GG-E2514 year 2014
- EC 250 GG-E2515 year 2015
- EC 250 Racing year 2008-2009
- EC 250 Racing GG-E2510-R year 10
- EC 250 Racing GG-E2515-R Bj 2015
- EC 250 Repl.Guillaume GG-E2512-G
- EC 250 Replica year 2014-2015
- EC 250 Replica GG-E2513-G year 13
- EC 250 Sixdays GG-E2510-SIX 2010
- EC 250 Sixdays GG-E2511-SIX 2011
- EC 250 VTREC2500-B year 2001
- EC 250 VTREC2500-C year 2002
- EC 250 VTREC2500-D year 2003
- EC 250 VTREC2500-E Year 2004
- EC 300 My. 99-00 & 05-10 & 12-14
- EC 300 E year 2012-2014
- EC 300 E GG-E3011-E Year 2011
- EC 300 E Racing Bj. 2014
- EC 300 E Racing GG-E3015-R Bj 15
- EC 300 F 4T year 2013
- EC 300 F 4T Racing Bj. 2014
- EC 300 F 4T Racing GG-E3015-YR
- EC 300 GG-E3011 year 2011
- EC 300 Racing Bj. 08-10 & 12-14
- EC 300 Racing Bj. 2015
- EC 300 Racing GG-E3011-R year 11
- EC 300 Repl.Nambotin GG-E3010-N
- EC 300 Repl.Nambotin GG-E3011-N
- EC 300 Replica year 2013-2015
- EC 300 Replica GG-E3014-RF Bj.14
- EC 300 Replica Guillaume Bj. 12
- EC 300 Replica Nambotin Bj. 2009
- EC 300 Sixdays GG-E3010-SIX 2010
- EC 300 Sixdays GG-E3011-SIX 2011
- EC 300 VTREC3000-B Year 2001
- EC 300 VTREC3000-C year 2002
- EC 300 VTREC3000-D Year 2003
- EC 300 VTREC3000-E Year 2004
- EC 400 FSE year 2002
- EC 400 FSE VTRFS4000-D year 2003
- EC 450 F 4T Racing Bj. 2014
- EC 450 F 4T Racing EC-450-F- 4T
- EC 450 F 4T Racing GG-EC4515-YR
- EC 450 F 4T Replica Cervantes
- EC 450 FSE year 2005-2010
- EC 450 FSE VTRFS4500-D year 2003
- EC 450 FSE VTRFS4500-E year 2004
- EC 50 LC Boy VTREI5000 Bj. 00-03
- EC 50 LC Enduro My. 2003-2006
- EC Racing GG-E2511-R year 2011
- EC Racing GG-E2512-R year 2012
- EC Racing GG-E2513-R year 13-14
- Halley 450 R year 2009-2010
- Halley 450 SM year 2009-2010
- HP 300 2T Wild Bj. 2003-2005
- HP 450 4T Wild VTRWE4500-E Bj.04
- MC 125 My. 2005-2009
- MC 125 Type VTREC1200-E Year 2004
- MC 125 VTREC1200-D year 2003
- MC 250 My. 1998-2001 & 2005-2010
- MC 250 Type VTREC2500-C Year 02
- MC 250 VTREC2500-D year 2003
- MC 250 VTREC2500-E year 2004
- MC 50 LC Boy Bj. 2006-2009
- MC 65 My. 2005-2009
- MX 65 Crosscountry year 2010
- Pampera 125 2T year 1997-1999
- Pampera 125 4T year 2005&2009-10
- Pampera 250 2T year 1997-2001
- Pampera 320 2T year 1998-1999
- Pampera 450 year 2007-2009
- SM 400 FSE year 2002
- SM 450 FSE My. 2005-2006
- SM 450 FSE VTRFS450-SD year 03-04
- SM 450 FSR year 2007-2009
- SM 50 My. 2004-2006
- TX 125 4T Randonne GG-TP1211-4T
- TX 125 4T Randonne GG-TR1213-4T
- TX 125 4T Randonne GG-TR1214-4T
- TX 200 4T Randonne year 2014
- TXT 125 Contact year 1999
- TXT 125 Contact VTRGG1200 year 00
- TXT 125 Contact VTRGG1201 year 01
- TXT 125 Pro Bj. 05-10 & 12-14
- TXT 125 Pro GG-T1211-H year 2011
- TXT 125 Pro Racing Bj. 2009-2014
- TXT 125 Pro Racing Bj. 2015
- TXT 125 Pro Racing GG-T1211-RH
- TXT 125 Pro Replica Bj. 2013-14
- TXT 125 Pro VTRGG1202 year 02-03
- TXT 125 Pro VTRGG1202-E year 2004
- TXT 125 Replica Raga GG-T1209-RA
- TXT 200 Contact My. 1998-2001
- TXT 200 Pro year 2002-2010
- TXT 250 Contact VTRGG2501 year 01
- TXT 250 Pro Bj. 02&05-10&13-14
- TXT 250 Pro GG-T2511-H year 2011
- TXT 250 Pro Racing Bj. 2013-2014
- TXT 250 Pro Racing GG-T2515-R
- TXT 250 Pro Replica Bj. 2013-15
- TXT 250 Pro Replica GG-T2514 RAH
- TXT 250 Pro VTRGG2502 year 2003
- TXT 250 Pro VTRGG2502-E year 2004
- TXT 250 Replica Raga Bj. 2011-12
- TXT 250 Replica Raga GG-T2509-RA
- TXT 250 Replica Raga GG-T2510-RA
- TXT 270 Contact year 1998-1999
- TXT 280 Contact VTRGG2800 year 00
- TXT 280 Contact VTRGG2801 year 01
- TXT 280 Pro year 2005-2010 & 2012
- TXT 280 Pro GG-T2811-H year 2011
- TXT 280 Pro GG-T2813-H year 2013
- TXT 280 Pro GG-T2814-H year 2014
- TXT 280 Pro Racing GG-T2811-RH
- TXT 280 Pro Racing GG-T2812-RH
- TXT 280 Pro Racing GG-T2813-RH
- TXT 280 Pro Racing GG-T2814-RH
- TXT 280 Pro Racing GG-T2815-R
- TXT 280 Pro Replica Bj. 2015
- TXT 280 Pro Replica GG-T2813-RAH
- TXT 280 Pro Replica GG-T2814-RAH
- TXT 280 Pro VTRGG2802 year 02-03
- TXT 280 Pro VTRGG2802-E Year 2004
- TXT 280 Pro VTRGG3002-E Year 2004
- TXT 280 Replica Raga GG-T2809-RA
- TXT 280 Replica Raga GG-T2810-RA
- TXT 280 ReplicaRaga GG-T2811-RAH
- TXT 280 ReplicaRaga GG-T2812-RAH
- TXT 300 Pro Bj. 05-10 & 12-14
- TXT 300 Pro GG-T3011-H year 2011
- TXT 300 Pro Racing year 2012-2014
- TXT 300 Pro Racing GG-T3011-RH
- TXT 300 Pro Racing GG-T3015-R
- TXT 300 Pro Replica Bj. 2013-15
- TXT 300 Pro Replica GG-T3014 RAH
- TXT 300 Pro VTRGG3002 year 02-03
- TXT 300 Replica Raga My. 2011-12
- TXT 300 Replica Raga GG-T3009-RA
- TXT 300 Replica Raga GG-T3010-RA
- TXT 320 Contact year 1998-1999
- TXT 320 Contact VTRGG3700 year 00
- TXT 320 Contact VTRGG3701 year 01
- TXT 50 Boy Bj. 2004-2012 & 14-15
- TXT 50 Boy GG-TI0513 year 2013
- TXT 50 Boy VTRTI5000 year 2000-04
- TXT 50 Cadet My. 2006-2008
- TXT 50 Rookie Bj. 2002-2008
- TXT 80 Boy Bj. 2000-2001
- TXT 80 Cadet year 2006-2014
- TXT 80 Pro Racing Bj. 2015
- TXT 80 Rookie Bj. 2004-2014
- TXT 80 Rookie VTRGG0702-C year 02
- TXT 80 Rookie VTRGG0703-D year 03
- TXT E 4820 year 2012-2015
- TXT E12 year 2013-2015
- TXT E8 My. 2013-2015
- Generic
- Giantco
- Gilera
- Goes
- Govecs
- Harley Davidson
- Heinkel
- Hercules
- HM-Moto
- Honda
- Huatian/Lintex
- Husaberg
- Husqvarna
- Hyosung
- Innoscooter
- Italjet
- Jiajue
- Jinlun
- Jmstar
- Jonway
- Kawasaki
- Keeway
- Kreidler
- KSR-Moto
- Kymco
- Laverda
- Lifan
- Linhai
- Longbo
- Longjia
- Malaguti
- Masai
- Moto Guzzi
- Moto Morini
- Motorhispania
- Motowell
- MV Agusta
- Peugeot
- Piaggio
- Pegasus
- Polaris
- Puch
- Qingqi
- Quickfoot/Open Concepts
- Rex
- Rieju
- Rivero
- Royal Enfield
- R-Wind
- Sachs
- Sherco
- Simson
- Skyteam
- Suzuki
- Tauris
- TM Racing
- Tomos
- Triton
- Triumph
- Vespa
- Victory
- Yamaha
- Zongshen
- Zündapp

Oil change kit with 4 liters Castrol SAE 5W-40 Power 1 Racing 4T and Hiflo oil filter HF112
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs
Unfortunately, this item is already sold out due to high demand.
- Item no: 163828
- EAN: 2002090300006
- Manufacturer: Citomerx
- Manufacturer no.: 163828
Update your motorcycle with high performance lubricant from Castrol....
Here you will find the right oil change kit tailored to your motorcycle. The 4 stroke engine oil from Castrol and the matching filter are waiting for their use.
The high-quality 4-stroke engine oil from Castrol convinces with the following properties: High clutch compatibility, improved cold flow properties or a faster oiling of the engine after starting.
In order for us to get the best out of oil for you and your bike, we need your help. Because only you know best what pampers your motorcycle. Read your engine type, the required engine oil and the exact filling quantity in the manual of your motorcycle. In this way, you can easily find the right oil for your bike. If you still have questions, our customer service is always happy to receive your call and provide useful advice.
- 4-stroke engine oil Castrol Power 1 Racing
- HC- synthesis premium lubricant
- Specification: SAE 5W- 40 (pumpable down to -35°C/ min. viscosity at 100°C: 12,5qmm/s)
- with TRIZONE- Technology/ TM
- BMW- release for K1200/ 1300/ 1600/ S 1000- series
- Kawasaki release for KX450 and K 250F
- Oil filter Hiflo Filtro HF 112
Due to the Waste Oil Ordinance, when you hand in combustion engine oil and/or transmission oil, we are obligated to take back such used oil as well as oil filters and the oil-containing waste (hereinafter referred to as "waste oil") that regularly accumulates during oil changes. If you purchase combustion engine oil or gear oil as a commercial or other economic enterprise or public institution, we would like to point out that we can use third parties to fulfill our acceptance obligations towards you.
The quantity of used oil that you can return to us is limited to the internal combustion engine and/or transmission oil delivered to you in the individual case.
The place for the return is:
ZS 2radteile GmbH
Unterbibracherstr. 3
95519 Vorbach
You can drop off the used oil there free of charge at any time during our opening hours. There is also the possibility to send the used oil back to us. Please note that special transport conditions may apply to the shipment, in particular the regulations on hazardous goods. Please obtain the appropriate information prior to shipment. Also note that we do not assume the costs of returning used oil. Our receiving facility has equipment that allows the oil to be changed professionally.
✔ 4x 1l oil
✔ 1x oil filter
Assembly group: | Maintenance agent |
Color: | Multicolored |
ZS 2Radteile GmbH
Unterbibracherstr. 3
95519 Vorbach DEU
Web page https://www.citomerx.de
Email: info@zweiradteile.net

"Fast goods", is the translation of Citomerx and this is also the motto of the company from Bavaria, which offers numerous spare parts for two- and four-stroke scooters. Speed is the declared goal for both the vehicles and the delivery of the goods, as well as a reasonable price-performance ratio for the standard, racing or high-end products. The range includes almost everything that the scooter rider needs: from exhaust systems and batteries to cylinder kits. An additional plus point is the know-how of the Citomerx crew, acquired over years of experience.