- Adiva
- Atala Rizzato
- Adly/Herchee
- Aeon
- Aiyumo
- Aprilia
- Arctic Cat
- Azel
- Bajaj
- Baotian
- Barossa/SMC
- Beeline
- Benelli
- Benzhou
- Beta
- Bimota
- Bombardier
- Buell
- Buffalo/Source
- Cagiva
- Cectek
- CH Racing
- China Scooter
- Daelim
- Derbi
- Dinli
- Ducati
- Ecobike
- EFW-Suhl
- E-max
- Emco
- Ering
- E-fuel
- E-tone
- Etropolis
- Explorer
- Fantic
- Flex Tech
- GasGas
- Generic
- Giantco
- Gilera
- Goes
- Govecs
Harley Davidson
- 1200 C CT3 year 2007-2014
- 1450 GHV year 2003
- 1690 ABS GYM My. 2013-14
- FL 1200 Electra Glide
- FLD 1690 ABS My. 2015
- FLD 1690 GZM year 2012-14
- FLH 1200 Electra Glide
- FLH 1340 Y.o.m. 1978-1984
- FLHCUTG Tri GlideUltr 15
- FLHR 1450 FDV year 99-03
- FLHR 1584 ABS FB4 08-09
- FLHR 1584 FB4 My 2007-08
- FLHR 1690 type FBAM 2013
- FLHR Electra Glide R. K.
- FLHRC 1584 ABS FR4 08-11
- FLHRC 1584 FR4 2007-2010
- FLHRC 1690 ABS year 14-15
- FLHRC 1690 ABS FRM 11-13
- FLHRCI 1450 FRW My 99-06
- FLHRI 1340 FSR Year 1998
- FLHRI 1450 FBW 2004-2006
- FLHRI EFI Electra G R K
- FLHRS 1584 FY4 year 2007
- FLHRSE 1800 ABS PG8 2014
- FLHRSE3 1800 PG8 Year 2007
- FLHRSE4 1800 ABS PG8 08
- FLHRSE5 1800 ABS PG8 13
- FLHRSI 1450 FYW Bj 04-06
- FLHS 1340 year 1987-1988
- FLHS Electra Glide Sport
- FLHT 1450 DDV year 99-03
- FLHT 1584 ABS FV4 08-10
- FLHT 1584 FV4 2007-2008
- FLHT Electra Glide Stan.
- FLHTC 1340 YR. 1979-1988
- FLHTC 1340 DD year 83-85
- FLHTC 1340 DJ year 1986
- FLHTC 1450 DJV year 02-03
- FLHTC 1690 ABS FFM 11-12
- FLHTC Electra Glide C.
- FLHTC1340 ElectraGlideCl
- FLHTCI 1450 FFW year 2004
- FLHTCI EFI Electra G. C.
- FLHTCU 1340 year 1989-90
- FLHTCU 1340 DP 1991-1992
- FLHTCU 1584 ABS Type FC4
- FLHTCU 1584 FC4 year 2007
- FLHTCU 1690 ABS My 14-15
- FLHTCU 1690 ABS Type FCM
- FLHTCU Electra Glide U K
- FLHTCUI 1450 FCW 2000-06
- FLHTCUI 1450 FFW year 1999
- FLHTCUSE 1690 PRE Year 06
- FLHTCUSE 1800 PR8 year 07
- FLHTCUSE3 1800 PR8 Bj 08
- FLHTCUSE4 1800 PR8 Year 09
- FLHTCUSE5 1800 PR8 Year 10
- FLHTCUSE6 1800 PR8 Bj 11
- FLHTCUSE7 1800 PR8 Year 12
- FLHTCUSE8 1800 PR8 Bj 13
- FLHTCUTG 1690 MAL Year 14
- FLHTI 1450 FCW year 04-06
- FLHTK 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLHTK 1690 ABS KEMA 2013
- FLHTK 1690 ABS TEL 2014
- FLHTK 1690 KEM year 10-13
- FLHTKL 1690 ABS My. 2015
- FLHTKSE 1800 ABS year 15
- FLHX 1584 ABS KB4 08-10
- FLHX 1584 KB4 2007-2008
- FLHX 1690 ABS year 2014
- FLHX 1690 ABS KBM 11-13
- FLHXI 1450 KBW 2006-2007
- FLHXS 1690 ABS year 2015
- FLHXSE 1800 ABS year 2015
- FLHXSE 1800 ABS PZ8 2010
- FLHXSE2 1800 ABS PZ8 11
- FLHXSE3 1800 ABS PZ8 12
- FLS 1690 ABS year 2014
- FLS 1690 ABS JRV 2012-13
- FLS Softail Slim ABS 15
- FLST 1340 BHH Year 1986
- FLST 1340 year 1987-1990
- FLST Heritage Softail
- FLSTBI 1450 year 2005
- FLSTC 1340 BJ year 91-99
- FLSTC 1340 year 1988-1990
- FLSTC 1450 BJ year 00-02
- FLSTC 1450 BJY Year 2003
- FLSTC 1584 ABS BW5 2011
- FLSTC 1584 BW5 2007-2010
- FLSTC 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLSTC 1690 ABS BMV 12-13
- FLSTC 1690 ABS BMVA 2013
- FLSTC Heritage Softail C
- FLSTCI 1450 BWB Bj 03-06
- FLSTCI BW My. 2001-2002
- FLSTF 1340 year 1990
- FLSTF 1340 BM Year 1999
- FLSTF 1450 BM year 00-02
- FLSTF 1450 BMY Year 2003
- FLSTF 1584 ABS BX5 Bj 11
- FLSTF 1584 BX5 year 07-10
- FLSTF 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLSTF 1690 ABS BXV 12-13
- FLSTF Fat Boy Bj 91-98
- FLSTFB 1584 ABS JN5 2011
- FLSTFB 1584 JN5 Year 2010
- FLSTFB 1690 ABS 2014-15
- FLSTFB 1690 ABS Type JNV
- FLSTFI 1450 BX year 01-02
- FLSTFI 1450 BXB Bj 03-06
- FLSTFS 1690 year 2005
- FLSTFSE2 1690 PNF Year 06
- FLSTI 1450 JFB year 2006
- FLSTN 1584 ABS JD5 2011
- FLSTN 1584 JD5 2007-2008
- FLSTN 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLSTN 1690 ABS JDV 12-13
- FLSTN Heritage S. Nost.
- FLSTN Heritage Softail S
- FLSTNI 1450 JDB Bj 05-06
- FLSTNR 1584 Year 2010
- FLSTNSE 1800 ABS Bj. 15
- FLSTNSE 1800 ABS TF9 14
- FLSTS 1340 BR 1997-1999
- FLSTS 1450 BR year 00-01
- FLSTS 1450 BRY year 2003
- FLSTS1450 Herit.Springer
- FLSTSB 1584 JM5 My 09-11
- FLSTSC 1584 BY5 year 2007
- FLSTSCI 1450 BYB 2005-06
- FLSTSE 1800 PY9 year 2010
- FLSTSE2 1800 ABS PY9 11
- FLSTSE3 1800 ABS PY9 12
- FLT 1340 Year 1980-1992
- FLT 1340 DA Year 1983
- FLT 1340 Tour Glide DA
- FLT 1340 type AE year 1981
- FLTC 1340 DB year 1983-92
- FLTC 1340 TourGlideClass
- FLTCU 1340 year 1993
- FLTCU 1340 DM year 1992
- FLTCU Ultra Classic T G
- FLTRI 1450 FSW 1999-2000
- FLTRSE 1800 ABS PV8 2009
- FLTRUSE 1800 ABS Bj. 15
- FLTRUSE 1800 ABS TA8 11
- FLTRXS 1690 ABS year 2015
- FLTRXSE 1800 ABS Bj 2012
- FX 1200 My. 1971-1979
- FXB 1340 year 1980-1982
- FXCW 1584 JJ5 year 08-09
- FXCWC 1584 C ABS JK5 11
- FXCWC 1584 C JK5 2008-10
- FXD 1450 GH year 1999-02
- FXD Dyna Super Glide
- FXDB 1584 ABS GX4 12-13
- FXDB 1584 GX4 My 2007-13
- FXDB 1690 ABS year 2015
- FXDB 1690 ABS GXM 2014
- FXDBA 1690 VBM year 2013
- FXDBB 1690 ABS year 2014
- FXDB-D 1340 GA year 1991
- FXDBI 1450 GX 2006-2007
- FXDB-S 1340 GB year 1992
- FXDC 1584 ABS GV4 12-13
- FXDC 1584 ABS GVA4 2013
- FXDC 1584 GV4 year 07-11
- FXDC 1690 ABS GVM 2014
- FXDCI 1450 EFI GVW 05-06
- FXDF 1584 GY4 2008-2012
- FXDF 1690 ABS year 2015
- FXDFSE 1800 PX8 Bj 09-10
- FXDI 1450 GMW year 2004
- FXDI 35th 1450 GW 06-07
- FXDL 1450 GD year 1999-02
- FXDL 1450 GDV year 2003
- FXDL 1584 GN4 year 07-08
- FXDL 1690 ABS year 2015
- FXDL 1690 Low Rider Bj14
- FXDL Dyna Glide Low Rid.
- FXDLI 1450 GNW year 04-06
- FXDS-CON Dyna Glide LRC
- FXDSE 1800 PS8 year 2007
- FXDSE2 1800 PS8 Year 2008
- FXDWG 1450 GE year 99-02
- FXDWG 1450 GEV Year 2003
- FXDWG 1584 ABS GP4 Bj 12
- FXDWG 1584 GP4 2007-2011
- FXDWG 1690 ABS My. 2015
- FXDWG 1690 ABS GPM 13-14
- FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide
- FXDWGI 1450 GPW My 04-06
- FXDX 1450 GJ year 99-02
- FXDX 1450 GJV year 2003
- FXDXI 1450 GRW year 04-05
- FXDXT 1450 year 2001
- FXDXT 1450 GL year 2002
- FXDXT 1450 GLV year 2003
- FXE 1200 My. 1974-1979
- FXE 1340 year 1979-1984
- FXE 1340 SuperGlide 1982
- FXEF 1340 BB year 1985
- FXLR 1340 year 1987-1988
- FXLR Low Rider Custom
- FXR 1340 My. 1987-1988
- FXR 1340 EA Year 1986
- FXR 1340 II EA year 1983
- FXR Super Glide Bj 89-94
- FXR1340 SuperGlide II EA
- FXRS 1340 year 1987-1988
- FXRS 1340 EB year 1984-92
- FXRS CON. 1340 My. 89-90
- FXRS CON. Low Rider Con.
- FXRS Low Rider Bj 89-91
- FXRS-SP 1340 year 1986-88
- FXRS-SP Low Rider Spe Ed
- FXRT 1340 year 1987-1988
- FXRT 1340 EC 1983-1992
- FXRT Sport Glide
- FXS 1200 My. 1977-1978
- FXS 1200 Low Rider 1979
- FXS 1340 My. 1977-1984
- FXS 1584 ABS JPV Bj 2013
- FXS 1584 JP5 year 2011-12
- FXSB 1340 BF Year 1985
- FXSB 1340 year 1983-1984
- FXSB 1340 LowRider 1982
- FXSB 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FXSB 1690 ABS BFV 2013
- FXSBSE1800CVOBreakoutABS
- FXST 1340 BH year 1984-99
- FXST 1450 BH year 2000-02
- FXST1340 Softail 1987-90
- FXSTB 1340 BT year 1999
- FXSTB 1450 BT year 00-02
- FXSTB 1450 BTY year 03-04
- FXSTB 1584 JA5 year 07-09
- FXSTB Night Train Bj. 98
- FXSTBI 1450 JAB Bj 04-06
- FXSTBIC 1450 year 2006
- FXSTBIC 1584 year 2007-08
- FXSTC 1340 year 1987-1990
- FXSTC 1340 BKI year 86-98
- FXSTC 1584 JL5 year 07-09
- FXSTD 1450 BS year 00-02
- FXSTD 1450 BSY year 2003
- FXSTDI 1450 EFI Type JBB
- FXSTDI 1450 JB year 01-02
- FXSTDI 1450 JBY year 2003
- FXSTI 1450 BVB My. 04-06
- FXSTS 1340 year 1988
- FXSTS 1340 BL year 1999
- FXSTS 1450 BL year 00-02
- FXSTS 1450 BLY year 2003
- FXSTS Softail Springer
- FXSTSB Bad Boy Bj 95-97
- FXSTSI 1450 BZB Year 2004
- FXSTSSE 1800 PT9 year 2007
- FXSTSSE2 1800 PT9 year 08
- FXSTSSE3 1800 PT9 year 09
- FXT 1450 SoftailStandard
- FXWG 1340 BE Year 1985
- FXWG 1340 year 1980-1984
- FXWG 1340 WideGlide 1982
- VRSCA 1130 HA year 2006
- VRSCA 1130 HAZ year 02-05
- VRSCA1130V-Rod HAA 02-05
- VRSCAW 1130 HF Year 2007
- VRSCAW 1250 ABS HF 09-10
- VRSCAW 1250 HF year 2008
- VRSCAWA 1250 ABS HK 2008
- VRSCB 1130 HBA year 04-05
- VRSCB 1130 HBZ My. 04-05
- VRSCD 1130 HD year 06-07
- VRSCDX 1130 HH Year 2007
- VRSCDX 1250 ABS My. 2015
- VRSCDX 1250 ABS HH 08-14
- VRSCDX 1250 HH Year 2008
- VRSCDX 1250 HH-ANV 2012
- VRSCF 1250 ABS HP 09-14
- VRSCF V-Rod MuscleABS 15
- VRSCR 1130 HC My. 06-07
- VRSCSE 1250 year 2005
- VRSCSE2 1250 PPG My 2006
- VRSCX 1250 HJ year 2007
- XG 500 Street Bj. 14-15
- XG 750 Street Bj. 14-15
- XL 1200 C ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 C CGP year 99-06
- XL 1200 C CTA3 year 2013
- XL 1200 CA ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 CA Edit. A Bj.14
- XL 1200 CA LJ3 year 2013
- XL 1200 CAP year 1999
- XL 1200 CB ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 CB Edit. B Bj.14
- XL 1200 CB LK3 year 2013
- XL 1200 L CX3 year 07-09
- XL 1200 N CZ3 year 08-12
- XL 1200 R CLP My. 04-06
- XL 1200 R CV3 year 07-08
- XL 1200 S CHP My. 99-03
- XL 1200 S SportsterSport
- XL 1200 Sportster Bj. 98
- XL 1200 T ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 T Superlow Bj.14
- XL 1200 V ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 V LF3 year 13-14
- XL 1200 X ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 X year 2010
- XL 1200 X LC3 year 11-14
- XL 1200S Sportster Sport
- XL 53 883 C CJM My 99-04
- XL 883 C CJM year 2005-06
- XL 883 C CP2 year 2007-10
- XL 883 CAM My. 2004-2006
- XL 883 CN2 year 2007-2009
- XL 883 L ABS My. 2015
- XL 883 L CMM year 2005-06
- XL 883 L CR2 year 2007-14
- XL 883 N ABS LE2 Bj 2014
- XL 883 N LE2 year 2010-14
- XL 883 R ABS Bj. 2015
- XL 883 R CKM year 2002-06
- XL 883 R CS2 year 2007-14
- XL 883 Sportster Custom
- XL 883 Sportster Iron 15
- XL1200C Sportster Custom
- XL883 Sportst.IronABS 15
- XLCH 1000 Sportst. 72-78
- XLCH 1000 Sportster CA
- XLCR 1000 Cafe Racer
- XLH 1000 CA year 1979-85
- XLH 1000 Sportster 72-78
- XLH 1000 Sportster CA
- XLH 1100 type CAN 1986-87
- XLH 1200 Sportster 89-95
- XLH 1200 type CAP year 1988
- XLH 883 CAM Bj 1987-2003
- XLH 883 CEM My 1992-2003
- XLH 883 Sportster 89-98
- XLH 883 Sportster Deluxe
- XLH 883 Sportster Hugger
- XLh 883 Type CFM Year 1992
- XLS 1000 CB Bj 1979-1985
- XLX-61 1000 CC year 83-85
- XR 1000 Cafe Racer CD
- XR 1200 LA My. 2008-2010
- XR 1200 X LD My. 2010-12
- Heinkel
- Hercules
- HM-Moto
- Honda
- Huatian/Lintex
- Husaberg
- Husqvarna
- Hyosung
- Innoscooter
- Italjet
- Jiajue
- Jinlun
- Jmstar
- Jonway
- Kawasaki
- Keeway
- Kreidler
- KSR-Moto
- Kymco
- Laverda
- Lifan
- Linhai
- Longbo
- Longjia
- Malaguti
- Masai
- Moto Guzzi
- Moto Morini
- Motorhispania
- Motowell
- MV Agusta
- Peugeot
- Piaggio
- Pegasus
- Polaris
- Puch
- Qingqi
- Quickfoot/Open Concepts
- Rex
- Rieju
- Rivero
- Royal Enfield
- R-Wind
- Sachs
- Sherco
- Simson
- Skyteam
- Suzuki
- Tauris
- TM Racing
- Tomos
- Triton
- Triumph
- Vespa
- Victory
- Yamaha
- Zongshen
- Zündapp
CMX Custom pillion footrests incl. holder Cafe Racer for Harley Davidson
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs
IN STOCK - Delivery time 1-3 working days
- Item no: 163969
- EAN: 4251048812377
- Manufacturer: CMX
- Manufacturer no.: 163969
So also the pillion (or the pillion) finds rest and relaxation
Here we offer additional footrests, which visually adapt specifically to the cafe racer / custom bike look. Specifications: - Pillion footrests chrome plated and with rubber pads for vibration damping.
- Type: Footrests Custom
- Ø - Bracket: 1 1/4" (approx. 3.2 cm)
- Length of footrests: 120 mm
- Total length with bracket: 180 mm
- Diameter: 35 mm
Harley Davidson Cafe Racer or custom bikes with appropriate registration.
✓ CMX Custom pillion footrests (2 pieces) incl. Allen wrench.
Product type: | Footrest |
Number of parts: | 3 |
Pedal surface length: | 105 mm |
Tuning & Styling Part: | Yes |
Vintage part: | No |
Mounting method: | Screw-on, Clampable |
Inner diameter holder: | 33 mm |
Surface finish: | Chrome |
Universal compatibility: | Yes |
Wide pedal surface: | 35 mm |
Scope of delivery: | Hexagon socket wrench |
Color: | Silver |
Features: | Anti-slip, Simple installation, Foldable, Adjustable |
Scope of delivery: | 1x pillion footrests |
Manufacturer number: | 163969 |
Country and region of manufacture: | China |
Brand compatibility: | Universal |
Installation position: | Right, Links |
Type of motorcycle: | Road motorcycle, Motorcycle, Touring enduro |
Length: | 175 mm |
Manufacturer warranty: | 2 years |
Material: | Steel |
ZS 2Radteile GmbH
Unterbibracherstr. 3
95519 Vorbach DEU
Web page https://www.citomerx.de
Email: info@zweiradteile.net

CMX offers motorcycle helmets such as jet helmets, full-face helmets, flip-up helmets and motocross helmets with fair price / performance ratio and high quality workmanship. All CMX motorcycle helmets (except shell helmets / braincaps) are ECE 22.05 tested and available in many sizes. In addition to attractive helmets, CMX also offers matching accessories such as helmet visors or motorcycle goggles. With CMX helmets and the matching accessories you are well prepared for your next motorcycle tour.