- Adiva
- Atala Rizzato
- Adly/Herchee
- Aeon
- Aiyumo
- Aprilia
- Arctic Cat
- Azel
- Bajaj
- Baotian
- Barossa/SMC
- Beeline
- Benelli
- Benzhou
- Beta
- Bimota
- Bombardier
- Buell
- Buffalo/Source
- Cagiva
- Cectek
- CH Racing
- China Scooter
- Daelim
- Derbi
- Dinli
- Ducati
- Ecobike
- EFW-Suhl
- E-max
- Emco
- Ering
- E-fuel
- E-tone
- Etropolis
- Explorer
- Fantic
- Flex Tech
- GasGas
- Generic
- Giantco
- Gilera
- Goes
- Govecs
Harley Davidson
- 1200 C CT3 year 2007-2014
- 1450 GHV year 2003
- 1690 ABS GYM My. 2013-14
- FL 1200 Electra Glide
- FLD 1690 ABS My. 2015
- FLD 1690 GZM year 2012-14
- FLH 1200 Electra Glide
- FLH 1340 Y.o.m. 1978-1984
- FLHCUTG Tri GlideUltr 15
- FLHR 1450 FDV year 99-03
- FLHR 1584 ABS FB4 08-09
- FLHR 1584 FB4 My 2007-08
- FLHR 1690 type FBAM 2013
- FLHR Electra Glide R. K.
- FLHRC 1584 ABS FR4 08-11
- FLHRC 1584 FR4 2007-2010
- FLHRC 1690 ABS year 14-15
- FLHRC 1690 ABS FRM 11-13
- FLHRCI 1450 FRW My 99-06
- FLHRI 1340 FSR Year 1998
- FLHRI 1450 FBW 2004-2006
- FLHRI EFI Electra G R K
- FLHRS 1584 FY4 year 2007
- FLHRSE 1800 ABS PG8 2014
- FLHRSE3 1800 PG8 Year 2007
- FLHRSE4 1800 ABS PG8 08
- FLHRSE5 1800 ABS PG8 13
- FLHRSI 1450 FYW Bj 04-06
- FLHS 1340 year 1987-1988
- FLHS Electra Glide Sport
- FLHT 1450 DDV year 99-03
- FLHT 1584 ABS FV4 08-10
- FLHT 1584 FV4 2007-2008
- FLHT Electra Glide Stan.
- FLHTC 1340 YR. 1979-1988
- FLHTC 1340 DD year 83-85
- FLHTC 1340 DJ year 1986
- FLHTC 1450 DJV year 02-03
- FLHTC 1690 ABS FFM 11-12
- FLHTC Electra Glide C.
- FLHTC1340 ElectraGlideCl
- FLHTCI 1450 FFW year 2004
- FLHTCI EFI Electra G. C.
- FLHTCU 1340 year 1989-90
- FLHTCU 1340 DP 1991-1992
- FLHTCU 1584 ABS Type FC4
- FLHTCU 1584 FC4 year 2007
- FLHTCU 1690 ABS My 14-15
- FLHTCU 1690 ABS Type FCM
- FLHTCU Electra Glide U K
- FLHTCUI 1450 FCW 2000-06
- FLHTCUI 1450 FFW year 1999
- FLHTCUSE 1690 PRE Year 06
- FLHTCUSE 1800 PR8 year 07
- FLHTCUSE3 1800 PR8 Bj 08
- FLHTCUSE4 1800 PR8 Year 09
- FLHTCUSE5 1800 PR8 Year 10
- FLHTCUSE6 1800 PR8 Bj 11
- FLHTCUSE7 1800 PR8 Year 12
- FLHTCUSE8 1800 PR8 Bj 13
- FLHTCUTG 1690 MAL Year 14
- FLHTI 1450 FCW year 04-06
- FLHTK 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLHTK 1690 ABS KEMA 2013
- FLHTK 1690 ABS TEL 2014
- FLHTK 1690 KEM year 10-13
- FLHTKL 1690 ABS My. 2015
- FLHTKSE 1800 ABS year 15
- FLHX 1584 ABS KB4 08-10
- FLHX 1584 KB4 2007-2008
- FLHX 1690 ABS year 2014
- FLHX 1690 ABS KBM 11-13
- FLHXI 1450 KBW 2006-2007
- FLHXS 1690 ABS year 2015
- FLHXSE 1800 ABS year 2015
- FLHXSE 1800 ABS PZ8 2010
- FLHXSE2 1800 ABS PZ8 11
- FLHXSE3 1800 ABS PZ8 12
- FLS 1690 ABS year 2014
- FLS 1690 ABS JRV 2012-13
- FLS Softail Slim ABS 15
- FLST 1340 BHH Year 1986
- FLST 1340 year 1987-1990
- FLST Heritage Softail
- FLSTBI 1450 year 2005
- FLSTC 1340 BJ year 91-99
- FLSTC 1340 year 1988-1990
- FLSTC 1450 BJ year 00-02
- FLSTC 1450 BJY Year 2003
- FLSTC 1584 ABS BW5 2011
- FLSTC 1584 BW5 2007-2010
- FLSTC 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLSTC 1690 ABS BMV 12-13
- FLSTC 1690 ABS BMVA 2013
- FLSTC Heritage Softail C
- FLSTCI 1450 BWB Bj 03-06
- FLSTCI BW My. 2001-2002
- FLSTF 1340 year 1990
- FLSTF 1340 BM Year 1999
- FLSTF 1450 BM year 00-02
- FLSTF 1450 BMY Year 2003
- FLSTF 1584 ABS BX5 Bj 11
- FLSTF 1584 BX5 year 07-10
- FLSTF 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLSTF 1690 ABS BXV 12-13
- FLSTF Fat Boy Bj 91-98
- FLSTFB 1584 ABS JN5 2011
- FLSTFB 1584 JN5 Year 2010
- FLSTFB 1690 ABS 2014-15
- FLSTFB 1690 ABS Type JNV
- FLSTFI 1450 BX year 01-02
- FLSTFI 1450 BXB Bj 03-06
- FLSTFS 1690 year 2005
- FLSTFSE2 1690 PNF Year 06
- FLSTI 1450 JFB year 2006
- FLSTN 1584 ABS JD5 2011
- FLSTN 1584 JD5 2007-2008
- FLSTN 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FLSTN 1690 ABS JDV 12-13
- FLSTN Heritage S. Nost.
- FLSTN Heritage Softail S
- FLSTNI 1450 JDB Bj 05-06
- FLSTNR 1584 Year 2010
- FLSTNSE 1800 ABS Bj. 15
- FLSTNSE 1800 ABS TF9 14
- FLSTS 1340 BR 1997-1999
- FLSTS 1450 BR year 00-01
- FLSTS 1450 BRY year 2003
- FLSTS1450 Herit.Springer
- FLSTSB 1584 JM5 My 09-11
- FLSTSC 1584 BY5 year 2007
- FLSTSCI 1450 BYB 2005-06
- FLSTSE 1800 PY9 year 2010
- FLSTSE2 1800 ABS PY9 11
- FLSTSE3 1800 ABS PY9 12
- FLT 1340 Year 1980-1992
- FLT 1340 DA Year 1983
- FLT 1340 Tour Glide DA
- FLT 1340 type AE year 1981
- FLTC 1340 DB year 1983-92
- FLTC 1340 TourGlideClass
- FLTCU 1340 year 1993
- FLTCU 1340 DM year 1992
- FLTCU Ultra Classic T G
- FLTRI 1450 FSW 1999-2000
- FLTRSE 1800 ABS PV8 2009
- FLTRUSE 1800 ABS Bj. 15
- FLTRUSE 1800 ABS TA8 11
- FLTRXS 1690 ABS year 2015
- FLTRXSE 1800 ABS Bj 2012
- FX 1200 My. 1971-1979
- FXB 1340 year 1980-1982
- FXCW 1584 JJ5 year 08-09
- FXCWC 1584 C ABS JK5 11
- FXCWC 1584 C JK5 2008-10
- FXD 1450 GH year 1999-02
- FXD Dyna Super Glide
- FXDB 1584 ABS GX4 12-13
- FXDB 1584 GX4 My 2007-13
- FXDB 1690 ABS year 2015
- FXDB 1690 ABS GXM 2014
- FXDBA 1690 VBM year 2013
- FXDBB 1690 ABS year 2014
- FXDB-D 1340 GA year 1991
- FXDBI 1450 GX 2006-2007
- FXDB-S 1340 GB year 1992
- FXDC 1584 ABS GV4 12-13
- FXDC 1584 ABS GVA4 2013
- FXDC 1584 GV4 year 07-11
- FXDC 1690 ABS GVM 2014
- FXDCI 1450 EFI GVW 05-06
- FXDF 1584 GY4 2008-2012
- FXDF 1690 ABS year 2015
- FXDFSE 1800 PX8 Bj 09-10
- FXDI 1450 GMW year 2004
- FXDI 35th 1450 GW 06-07
- FXDL 1450 GD year 1999-02
- FXDL 1450 GDV year 2003
- FXDL 1584 GN4 year 07-08
- FXDL 1690 ABS year 2015
- FXDL 1690 Low Rider Bj14
- FXDL Dyna Glide Low Rid.
- FXDLI 1450 GNW year 04-06
- FXDS-CON Dyna Glide LRC
- FXDSE 1800 PS8 year 2007
- FXDSE2 1800 PS8 Year 2008
- FXDWG 1450 GE year 99-02
- FXDWG 1450 GEV Year 2003
- FXDWG 1584 ABS GP4 Bj 12
- FXDWG 1584 GP4 2007-2011
- FXDWG 1690 ABS My. 2015
- FXDWG 1690 ABS GPM 13-14
- FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide
- FXDWGI 1450 GPW My 04-06
- FXDX 1450 GJ year 99-02
- FXDX 1450 GJV year 2003
- FXDXI 1450 GRW year 04-05
- FXDXT 1450 year 2001
- FXDXT 1450 GL year 2002
- FXDXT 1450 GLV year 2003
- FXE 1200 My. 1974-1979
- FXE 1340 year 1979-1984
- FXE 1340 SuperGlide 1982
- FXEF 1340 BB year 1985
- FXLR 1340 year 1987-1988
- FXLR Low Rider Custom
- FXR 1340 My. 1987-1988
- FXR 1340 EA Year 1986
- FXR 1340 II EA year 1983
- FXR Super Glide Bj 89-94
- FXR1340 SuperGlide II EA
- FXRS 1340 year 1987-1988
- FXRS 1340 EB year 1984-92
- FXRS CON. 1340 My. 89-90
- FXRS CON. Low Rider Con.
- FXRS Low Rider Bj 89-91
- FXRS-SP 1340 year 1986-88
- FXRS-SP Low Rider Spe Ed
- FXRT 1340 year 1987-1988
- FXRT 1340 EC 1983-1992
- FXRT Sport Glide
- FXS 1200 My. 1977-1978
- FXS 1200 Low Rider 1979
- FXS 1340 My. 1977-1984
- FXS 1584 ABS JPV Bj 2013
- FXS 1584 JP5 year 2011-12
- FXSB 1340 BF Year 1985
- FXSB 1340 year 1983-1984
- FXSB 1340 LowRider 1982
- FXSB 1690 ABS 2014-2015
- FXSB 1690 ABS BFV 2013
- FXSBSE1800CVOBreakoutABS
- FXST 1340 BH year 1984-99
- FXST 1450 BH year 2000-02
- FXST1340 Softail 1987-90
- FXSTB 1340 BT year 1999
- FXSTB 1450 BT year 00-02
- FXSTB 1450 BTY year 03-04
- FXSTB 1584 JA5 year 07-09
- FXSTB Night Train Bj. 98
- FXSTBI 1450 JAB Bj 04-06
- FXSTBIC 1450 year 2006
- FXSTBIC 1584 year 2007-08
- FXSTC 1340 year 1987-1990
- FXSTC 1340 BKI year 86-98
- FXSTC 1584 JL5 year 07-09
- FXSTD 1450 BS year 00-02
- FXSTD 1450 BSY year 2003
- FXSTDI 1450 EFI Type JBB
- FXSTDI 1450 JB year 01-02
- FXSTDI 1450 JBY year 2003
- FXSTI 1450 BVB My. 04-06
- FXSTS 1340 year 1988
- FXSTS 1340 BL year 1999
- FXSTS 1450 BL year 00-02
- FXSTS 1450 BLY year 2003
- FXSTS Softail Springer
- FXSTSB Bad Boy Bj 95-97
- FXSTSI 1450 BZB Year 2004
- FXSTSSE 1800 PT9 year 2007
- FXSTSSE2 1800 PT9 year 08
- FXSTSSE3 1800 PT9 year 09
- FXT 1450 SoftailStandard
- FXWG 1340 BE Year 1985
- FXWG 1340 year 1980-1984
- FXWG 1340 WideGlide 1982
- VRSCA 1130 HA year 2006
- VRSCA 1130 HAZ year 02-05
- VRSCA1130V-Rod HAA 02-05
- VRSCAW 1130 HF Year 2007
- VRSCAW 1250 ABS HF 09-10
- VRSCAW 1250 HF year 2008
- VRSCAWA 1250 ABS HK 2008
- VRSCB 1130 HBA year 04-05
- VRSCB 1130 HBZ My. 04-05
- VRSCD 1130 HD year 06-07
- VRSCDX 1130 HH Year 2007
- VRSCDX 1250 ABS My. 2015
- VRSCDX 1250 ABS HH 08-14
- VRSCDX 1250 HH Year 2008
- VRSCDX 1250 HH-ANV 2012
- VRSCF 1250 ABS HP 09-14
- VRSCF V-Rod MuscleABS 15
- VRSCR 1130 HC My. 06-07
- VRSCSE 1250 year 2005
- VRSCSE2 1250 PPG My 2006
- VRSCX 1250 HJ year 2007
- XG 500 Street Bj. 14-15
- XG 750 Street Bj. 14-15
- XL 1200 C ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 C CGP year 99-06
- XL 1200 C CTA3 year 2013
- XL 1200 CA ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 CA Edit. A Bj.14
- XL 1200 CA LJ3 year 2013
- XL 1200 CAP year 1999
- XL 1200 CB ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 CB Edit. B Bj.14
- XL 1200 CB LK3 year 2013
- XL 1200 L CX3 year 07-09
- XL 1200 N CZ3 year 08-12
- XL 1200 R CLP My. 04-06
- XL 1200 R CV3 year 07-08
- XL 1200 S CHP My. 99-03
- XL 1200 S SportsterSport
- XL 1200 Sportster Bj. 98
- XL 1200 T ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 T Superlow Bj.14
- XL 1200 V ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 V LF3 year 13-14
- XL 1200 X ABS My. 2015
- XL 1200 X year 2010
- XL 1200 X LC3 year 11-14
- XL 1200S Sportster Sport
- XL 53 883 C CJM My 99-04
- XL 883 C CJM year 2005-06
- XL 883 C CP2 year 2007-10
- XL 883 CAM My. 2004-2006
- XL 883 CN2 year 2007-2009
- XL 883 L ABS My. 2015
- XL 883 L CMM year 2005-06
- XL 883 L CR2 year 2007-14
- XL 883 N ABS LE2 Bj 2014
- XL 883 N LE2 year 2010-14
- XL 883 R ABS Bj. 2015
- XL 883 R CKM year 2002-06
- XL 883 R CS2 year 2007-14
- XL 883 Sportster Custom
- XL 883 Sportster Iron 15
- XL1200C Sportster Custom
- XL883 Sportst.IronABS 15
- XLCH 1000 Sportst. 72-78
- XLCH 1000 Sportster CA
- XLCR 1000 Cafe Racer
- XLH 1000 CA year 1979-85
- XLH 1000 Sportster 72-78
- XLH 1000 Sportster CA
- XLH 1100 type CAN 1986-87
- XLH 1200 Sportster 89-95
- XLH 1200 type CAP year 1988
- XLH 883 CAM Bj 1987-2003
- XLH 883 CEM My 1992-2003
- XLH 883 Sportster 89-98
- XLH 883 Sportster Deluxe
- XLH 883 Sportster Hugger
- XLh 883 Type CFM Year 1992
- XLS 1000 CB Bj 1979-1985
- XLX-61 1000 CC year 83-85
- XR 1000 Cafe Racer CD
- XR 1200 LA My. 2008-2010
- XR 1200 X LD My. 2010-12
- Heinkel
- Hercules
- HM-Moto
- Honda
- Huatian/Lintex
- Husaberg
- Husqvarna
- Hyosung
- Innoscooter
- Italjet
- Jiajue
- Jinlun
- Jmstar
- Jonway
- Kawasaki
- Keeway
- Kreidler
- KSR-Moto
- Kymco
- Laverda
- Lifan
- Linhai
- Longbo
- Longjia
- Malaguti
- Masai
- Moto Guzzi
- Moto Morini
- Motorhispania
- Motowell
- MV Agusta
- Peugeot
- Piaggio
- Pegasus
- Polaris
- Puch
- Qingqi
- Quickfoot/Open Concepts
- Rex
- Rieju
- Rivero
- Royal Enfield
- R-Wind
- Sachs
- Sherco
- Simson
- Skyteam
- Suzuki
- Tauris
- TM Racing
- Tomos
- Triton
- Triumph
- Vespa
- Victory
- Yamaha
- Zongshen
- Zündapp
Tinted blinker glass set incl. bulbs for Harley Davidson
Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs
IN STOCK - Delivery time 1-3 working days
- Item no: 164156
- EAN: 4251048815590
- Manufacturer: Citomerx
- Manufacturer no.: 164156
You don't find the original yellow turn signal lenses suitable for your Harley?
No problem!
Give your Harley indicators a new look with these tinted blinker lenses: Timeless design for a timeless motorcycle. The bulbs are also already included.
- Turn signal lens set for Harley Davidson motorcycles
- Material: plastic, tinted
- incl. 4 yellow bulbs
✔ 4x blinker lenses
✔ 4x light bulb
Product type: | Blinker glass |
Voltage: | 12V |
Light color: | Orange |
Overall depth: | 21 mm |
Feature: | inkl. orangener Glühbirnen |
Case material: | Plastic |
Shape: | Round |
GTIN: | 4251048815590 |
ECE category: | P21W |
Lens color: | Tinted |
Description of the parquet content: | 4 pieces |
Approval in road traffic: | No |
Power: | 23W |
Light lens width: | 61 mm |
Light pane height: | 61 mm |
Technology: | Standard |
Product type: | Blinker glass |
Scope of delivery: | 1x blinker set |
Manufacturer number: | 164156 |
Country and region of manufacture: | China |
Installation position: | Front, Rear |
Modification description: | Tinted blinker lenses, yellow/orange bulbs |
Modified item: | Yes |
Offer package: | Yes |
Description of the package content: | 4 blinker lenses + 4 bulbs |
Manufacturer warranty: | 2 years |
ZS 2Radteile GmbH
Unterbibracherstr. 3
95519 Vorbach DEU
Web page https://www.citomerx.de
Email: info@zweiradteile.net

"Fast goods", is the translation of Citomerx and this is also the motto of the company from Bavaria, which offers numerous spare parts for two- and four-stroke scooters. Speed is the declared goal for both the vehicles and the delivery of the goods, as well as a reasonable price-performance ratio for the standard, racing or high-end products. The range includes almost everything that the scooter rider needs: from exhaust systems and batteries to cylinder kits. An additional plus point is the know-how of the Citomerx crew, acquired over years of experience.